Friday, May 8, 2009

Recovery Act (ARRA) = More Opportunities for Public Sector Contractors

Is your company pursuing stimulus-related contract opportunities?  Competition is intense for government contractors angling for months of work; one factor is from overcapacity in the market.  Theres more ability and equipment to do the work than there are jobs.   The good news is there are plenty of new contract opportunities available through the Recovery Act (ARRA) signed by President Obama in February.  With the current state of the economy, it won't be unusual to be up against 30-40 contractors for each ARRA project.  Experienced govt. contractors will achieve the most success, however, the more "unfortunate" can still claim a piece of the pie by taking on subcontract work.  Why, you ask?  Well, getting your foot in the door is sometimes the hardest part in landing a govt. contract.  Subcontract work will give you more experience in the meantime benefitting you in the future when competing for prime contracts in the future.

First and foremost, to be prepared to meet the challenges of more competitive bids, it's imperative for your business to have practices put in place for organization and to satisfy govt. regs and to be able to perform work at a low cost.


1) Does your business use construction-specific accounting software?

2) Do you presently utilize integrated construction-specific estimating software for competitive bidding? (since we all know timing is priceless when it comes to the bidding process!)  You should have tools which are capable of automating the take-off process and that can provide the analysis to help ensure your business that their bids are exactly where they need to be.

3) Does your payroll system ensure compliance with Prevailing Wage, Payroll and HR regs?

If you answered YES to these questions, how has your software sytem been advantageous to your business when it comes to the bidding process?

If you answered NO to any of these questions, and your goal is winning more jobs, contact CPA Technology at (610) 862-1998.  You can also visit our website at

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